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Gerber Setup | Altium Designer 22 User Manual | Documentation.Altium designer 17 gerber free. Reverse Engineering from Gerber to PCB
With the addition of aperture information at the top of each Gerber file, the extended Gerber or RSX format has been an excellent method of creating PCB editor images, but there are some limitations with it.
Individual Gerber files could be miss-named and switched around or missing altogether causing confusion for the PCB manufacturer. To transfer this data it must all be included in separate files and documented appropriately. To solve these problems the Gerber X2 data format was created. Now different layers can be identified, and full design data can be included.
With a long history behind it, Gerber file viewer data continues to grow and evolve as design needs become more complex. Learn More about the basics of a Gerber file. Learn More about manufacturing file formats and what the future holds. Learn More about the PCB design development process from schematic to final outputs. To get your printed circuit board out of the design phase and into manufacturing, you need to create its manufacturing file formats.
The Gerber files that you create are the start, but you also need other files such as a bill of materials, XY location files, and drawings.
Altium Designer has you covered for all of this with Gerber and Gerber X2 file formats, as well as tools and utilities for all of the other files. Altium Designer gives you the features and functionality that you need to create all of your manufacturing output files. Learn More about Gerber file maker online in Altium Designer in this brief tutorial. Learn More about reusable batch output job files in Altium Designer. Altium Designer has all the options you need to create the exact set of manufacturing files that your PCB fabrications and assembly vendors will need.
Before you are ready to create output files though, you need to design the board in the first place and Altium Designer has everything that you will need. Starting with the schematic, Altium Designer is your best choice with software that is easily learned and used and yet can handle the toughest design challenges like multi-channel design and hierarchy. In addition, you have tools to query part availability and price information directly from your preferred vendors as well as different simulators to work with.
In layout, Altium Designer is loaded with advanced functionality for footprint creation, part placement, and trace routing. Manual interactive routing, differential pair routing, trace glossing, auto-interactive routing, and full-on auto routing are just some of the different features available to you. No matter the size, shape, or density of your PCB, Altium Designer has the power you need to complete your design successfully.
Learn More about interactive trace routing in Altium Designer. Altium Designer has a Gerber editor ready for you to use in the most powerful and versatile set of PCB design tools that you can get.
Zachariah Peterson has an extensive technical background in academia and industry. He currently provides research, design, and marketing services to companies in the electronics industry. Prior to working in the PCB industry, he taught at Portland State University and conducted research on random laser theory, materials, and stability. His background in scientific research spans topics in nanoparticle lasers, electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, environmental sensors, and stochastics.
Mobile menu. Explore Products. It is advisable to consult with your board fabricator to confirm their requirements before supplying the output documentation required to fabricate your design. The General tab of the Gerber Setup d ialog. If you are using one of the higher resolutions, check that the PCB manufacturer supports that format.
The and formats only need to be chosen if there are holes on a grid finer than 1 mil. The Layers tab of the Gerber Setup d ialog. Use the drop down to access a menu of commands that allow the Plot field for all layers in the Layers to Plot region to be enabled or disabled:. The Plot Layers and Mirror Layers commands can also be accessed by right-clicking the layer name in the list region.
The following are additional commands included on the right-click menu:. The Drill Drawing tab of the Gerber Setup dialog. The Apertures tab of the Gerber Setup d ialog. The above group of selections can also be accessed from the right-click context menu. Unless your PCB manufacturer does not support embedded apertures, it is highly recommended that you use the Embedded apertures RSX option.
Most modern photoplotters are raster plotters which can accept any size aperture. Generally, they also accept Gerber files with embedded apertures. If you use an existing aperture file rather than a generated one, the PCB Editor scans the primitives tracks, pads, etc. If there is no exact match of aperture to primitive, the PCB Editor will automatically paint the primitive with a suitable smaller aperture. MAT match file will be generated listing the missing apertures and Gerber file generation will be aborted.
The Advanced tab of the Gerber Setup d ialog. Use this tab to specify options, such as film size, position on film, and plotter type, to be used during Gerber generation. The Gerber files should be created with the same format, or precision, as the NC Drill files. For example, if the Gerber files have been configured to use the format, then the corresponding NC Drill files should use the same format. If Gerber files have been generated with the coordinate position on the film set to use either the absolute or relative origin, the NC Drill files should be generated using the same origin reference.
The following file extensions are used to identify each Gerber file.
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